Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Where did you all get this news? I play alot on their server and they appear to be against cheats and even made sure I wasn't using them when I was playing. Sad news. hake:
I Got This News Form
PLUS+ This
Clan removed from Funclan ladder and The Cheat Police.
This weekend 21st Stealth Squadron was removed from the Funclan-list for cheating in a match. Before the expulsion I was asked to evaluate the proof and in my mind there is no shadow of a doubt that this clan was indeed cheating heavily. The amusing thing is that they incriminated themselves by submitting an end-of-match screenshot clearly showing a wall-hack.
As members of this site they have also brought shame upon themselves and our membership, we did not hesitate in removing them. These things cannot and will not be tolerated. For more info look at