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Default 01-04-2002, 07:36 AM

WEll I have a 1.2ghz AMD athalon with 384k on-chip memory.256KB system memory and a 16MB Nvidia TNT2 M64 Pro.....I DO NOT have a problem with "chugging" in MOH:AA....I am using the recomended settings except for the screen resolution I run at 1024x768....I have seen guys like all of you with better cards,memory,and chipsets having TONS of problems with the game....I run this game great,with no problems....I think this is more a card issue than anything....All I can reccommend is to set EVERYTHING down to low...and work your way up from there....
My FPS Consistently run at 30-40....but guys with higher-end systems are running below 20FPS..I'll be damned if i know why I can run the game GREAT and you guys can't....

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