02-13-2003, 01:19 AM
Back on the original topic here...
The current situation (existance of the NAACP, ACLU) is absolutely ridiculous, and is becoming completely ludicrous.
I grew up most of my life in a predominately black school. My best friend for 6 years was a black person named Reggie. When I look at people, I see people, not colors. Period.
That being said, the NAACP and the ACLU are ridiculous. They serve no purpose other than to widen the race lines and make sure they stay intact. Notice every time that unity really becomes apparent (i.e., 9/11), the NAACP and ACLU wait for the moment when they can jump all over something and blow it so far out of proportion that no one even knows what the fuck they are talking about. Trent Lott, for example. Yes, I believe he is discriminatory, but not a racist. And follow his voting patterns, he never based his votes concerning those things on his own beliefs.
The ACLU is sueing 17 schools because they play Christmas music for their winter concerts. What the fuck is that?
I sincerely hope these people die tragic deaths. Their existance is a bane on our society.
And while I'm on a rant, let's discuss affirmative action. This is total bullshit, requiring equal numbers of people, etc. Listen, and understand, because I am sick and fucking tired of this disproportionate bullshit coming from the whiney voice of the NAACP/ACLU. Caucasions represent over 60% of the US population. Blacks represent something like 12%. There are more Latinos than blacks in the US now, but where is the hispanic voice in things? You know why there aren't a lot of black people on television shows, newscasts, radio, and in political positions? Because they don't even constitute 1/4th of the population of the entire United States. These things reflect the reality of the country.
And furthermore, what kind of bullshit is BET. As well as this new "All-African-American" news channel? Jesus H. Christ people. If there were a WET, or an "All-White" news channel that gave a "white" perspective on news, the NAACP/ACLU would have it shut down in minutes, if the thing even opened. And where is European history month, damnit? Or the month where we learn about the founders of our own fucking country? Not to mention Hispanic and Asian months.
I think we should just give the NAACP/ACLU their own island nation. And move anyone there who wishes to do so. Then nuke the fucking thing.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008