02-13-2003, 03:34 AM
I remember when i was on here a long time ago, when i signed up as someone else, but left within about 3 days to go to a new forum... I've been comming back here for a while, and i havent even posted with my old name, but... what the fuck am i talking about? Oh yeah.
Anyway, i think Joe is a very, very nice guy. I always see him helping out the 'n00bs' and sometimes even the 'vets' in their gaming issues.
Sure, joe can be irritating at times when he locks your post on "How NOT to be a n00b"... But most of the time you guys (and girls) go waaaay off topic, and start flaming people either because you think your a VET, and someone else thinks otherwise, or innoxx is bitching about someone, or someone else is being a retard to someone else. Its not joes fault that he has to move/lock/delete some posts. Its your fault. So dont hate Joe, hate yourselves.
SURE he has posted a lot of crap in his time... but he has been here for a while; and he has helped a LOT of people. Just lay off.
---=\ N0V4 /=---