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Default 02-13-2003, 04:19 AM

w33d time!

Yeah, and this other time, i was watching this 18 year old, and she wanted me to have sex with her and 3 other fuXxing hot chicks, and because they came from Trippers home town, Aukland, i did... and then they walked me over to this jew (jews are cool) and he said: "Man, you are one cool guy..." and i asked him what his name was, and he said it was 'Jabib' and he is a real person buy the way, and i said, Jabib. Your cool. Then we went to his house which is the size of the sun and he said "YO!" and i said "hell yes!" and he gave me a VB, and i said "j00 r0xX0rs" and he said "n0, j00 r0Xx0rs" and i said: "Damn boy, you pwn" and then he showed me those cool hats that they wear, and i said: "Damn, that 0wns" and he said... HAVE IT! And i said fuckyeah! And i said YEAH! And he said YEAH! and i said YEAH!? and he said YEAH!!! and i said: "but i aint a jew like you dude" and he said, yeah, but we killed those fucking nazis for all that shit they did. and i said, "Yeah, and you know what? After WWII, the jews got to have 2 nazis per family as slaves. but i dont think any of them wanted nazi slaves, because jews are to cool for revenge and that shit, so instead the jews got respected by everyone and shit. What the fuck am i talking about stillagain bout yes no maybe?


yessem, so i said: "Tripper, you must be a Jew, and shit because i respect jews and jews are cool, and i like their hats." Are you? And i hope you are from Aukland. And i hope i speld that rite bekoz i cant rely smell... spel all good wen i m a persone ho is not normel.

Plez helping me i is not educkation al good ant i am no spel okaey.

SMELL THIS NAZIS! *Pulls his pants down, and lights a fart in hitlers face"

do you know how hitler dies? He got burned slowly. i know because i lit my fart, and it lit his fucking retarded mostashe...mustashe...fuck. and he died. his brains were oozing out his ass later on that night. And i was playing cards with this jew, and he he said:

"Man, you are one cool guy..." and i asked him what his name was, and he said it was 'Jabib' and he is a real person buy the way, and i said, Jabib. Your cool. Then we went to his house which is the size of the sun and he said "YO!" and i said "hell yes!" and he gave me a VB, and i said "j00 r0xX0rs" and he said "n0, j00 r0Xx0rs" and i said: "Damn boy, you pwn" and then he showed me those cool hats that they wear, and i said: "Damn, that 0wns" and he said... HAVE IT! And i said fuckyeah! And i said YEAH! And he said YEAH! and i said YEAH!? and he said YEAH!!! and i said: "but i aint a jew like you dude" and he said, yeah, but we killed those fucking nazis for all that shit they did. and i said, "Yeah, and you know what? After WWII, the jews got to have 2 nazis per family as slaves. but i dont think any of them wanted nazi slaves, because jews are to cool for revenge and that shit, so instead the jews got respected by everyone and shit. What the fuck am i talking about stillagain bout yes no maybe?

Yeah, thats my life story. Sorry for the repeat but my life repeated... and the marijuana was in the room when it happened so the fact of the matter is that the matter of the fact of the matter is that the matter is the matter and the fact is also the matter but it is also the fact. Unless the matter is the fact, and the fact is the matter... in which case the matter will be fact, and the fact will be matter, but then they will be fact matter which makes it the fact of the matter. Get my drift?