02-13-2003, 10:02 PM
Wow -
If you didn't think this would get racist by the title of this thread, then something is wrong with you.
Where oh where to start.
Ok, part of history eh? Part of a groups culture. Funny, I dont see anyone raging when groups want German flags flown. And what IF the majority wanted the german-nazi flag flown. Would we be so quick to say "oh let the majority do what it wants". What matters here is cultural sensitivity folks. Alot of you people are talking about "those damn blacks stirring up trouble" - well guess what the hell bringing back a confederate flag - which was used by the group who championed the right of slavery - would do to those poor black minorities. Can you HONESTLY look at yourselves in the mirror and say blacks living in the south - a place still not 100% safe for blacks to live - shouldn't have a problem with a symbol of oppresion being flown? I'm sorry what some of you THINK that flag stands for - tradition, history, whatever - but if you're gonna go that route, then include what ELSE it stands for.
As far as the NAACP and ACLU just being there to cause trouble - you have to be kidding me. Take a look at the demographics in this country. You ask yourself, why isn't there a "White Discrimination Group" -who the hell do you think is doing the discriminating? Minorities folks are UNDER REPRESENTED! Why the hell do you think "interest groups" get started in the first place? To hang out and drink 40's all god damn day.
I'd be the first person to vote on getting rid of affirmative action laws; right now it hinders more than it helps. But if you seriously think that this country has a climate, that can tolerate the raising of a Confederate flag, and NOT have it open up wounds - youre out of your mind.
And snipey...poor poor snipey. There's a jail cell with a 400 lb "nigger" waiting for you in your future. I have forseen it.