Thread: Stupid NAACP
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Default 02-13-2003, 11:53 PM

Originally Posted by Negative
all of you who agree with this, lets see, Tripper is from new zealnad, and i dont know where everyone else is from. Minorities are not underepresented, you know who got more money this year (school or S8 public community housing[projects])-it wasnt schools, and you know who spent it-shirley franklin, a minotrity herself. I think that black people are mistreated, but i face 100% more racism being white, than they do being black in the south (i think AL is like 60 black, and i know GA is PROBABLY arround there. But i do know that the NAACP (one organization) has the power to boycott a SATE??? is that underrepresentation-i dont really think anyone who lives outside the US should even has an idea about the way things are in America-what about I make an A average, and do good, but a C average gets my job, i get "laid off" because of affirmative action? The jewish people have gottent the worst of anything-and they dont complain as much.

and only like 1/4 of the south owned slaves-and the 1st all balck refiment was a CSA cavalry unit (76th texans-or something like that)
Two points about the above quote.

First of all, it's a bit hypocrtical when you say people not from America don't have a clue what is going on there. I mean, look at US foreign policy. Look at what is going on in Iraq, and yet you say we don't really have any idea about the way things are there....Do you people really have any idea about what things are like in Iraq?

Secondly, while Jewish people have gotten treated like shit for centuries, Black People, are obviously easier to distinguish from other races, where-as to tell a Jew from any other white person, you either need a name, or they need to look very stereotypical. So they don't cop as much flak in everday life as a Black person.

And they weren't enslaved for two hundred years either, in the very country they are trying to live in now.

I'm not saying that Jews haven't got it bad, hell no. It's just a different context. You can't compare the two, just because they're both on Neo-Nazi's and KKK's hit-lists. They've suffered totally different problems.
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