Thread: Cheater's?
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Default 02-14-2003, 12:30 PM

The user_***.pk3 file inserts a full compliment of new skins, AA and SH. The cheat skins in the pack I am referring to do not override the stock skins. They replace them with the cheat skins. The stock skins are renamed with the _n suffix. The toggles change the skin in use. The cheater is vunerable to delator for the time it takes him to take a screenshot and switch back to the cheat skins, but if I understand the way delator works correctly, the risk is still minimal. The "safe screenshot" hotkey does not work, or at least it didnt for me and I didnt pursue it to see if it could. I am not familiar with how an skin packs other than this one work, and havent dug into this one in any depth. If you want the name of the pack, I can pm it to you.
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