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GreenEggs&Pot is Offline
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Default 02-14-2003, 04:58 PM

Sorry guys, I had a friend over, not the very smart type

Dumbass Friend: So what can you do on the this internet thing
Me: We'll talk to other people
Dumbass Friend: How? Like on the phone?
Me: No, like in a forum...
me/ proceds to show him what a "forum" is
Dumbass Friend: What's the box, that says insult pic thread
Me: That's the thread title
Dumbass Friend: What's a thread
Me: Forget it
me/ shows him the insult pics
Me: These are a bunch of funny pics that you show to people to express yourself
Dumbass Friend: What's a pic?
Me: Forget it
Dumbass Friend: So... so use on
me/ uses insult pic just to show him how it works
Me: HAHA, look at this, some idoit installed a sound card in a comp that was too small
Dumbass Friend: What's a comp?
Me: A computer
Dumbass Friend: Why not just call it that then?
Me: Forget it
Dumbass Friend: So whats so funny about the "sound card"
Me: See, it's too big, it's sticking out, and now he's wrecked his comp
Dumbass Friend: I dont get it
Me: Forget it
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