01-05-2002, 06:05 AM
I have observed a team mate walk right by (and get killed by) an enemy hiding in the bushes that I could see clearly. Apparently many players have not noticed that different graphics settings make the bushes more or less dense. (Now more players will know.)
It would be cool if there was more depth to the bushes so you could disappear into them. Or even run through them. If you have ever played tag in a cornfield you know how fun it is.
The problem with the bushes in MoH is that visibility is worse for the player in the bushes. Should be the other way around. Maybe a future game/version will improve on this.
I tend to be weaker at aim and stronger at strategy. I have yet to be accused of camping, but I sometimes feel the pressure of people waiting for the game to finish so I hurry it up a little. But sometimes I do camp temprorarily for strategic reasons. Example: I hear gunplay to my left followed by my team mate being killed. So now I know an enemy is there. I hide in a building knowing he will walk by soon. When he does, BLAM! If he takes too long, I will carefully venture out, sneaking and looking around for him. Which reminds me: so many people don't seem to appreciate the value of walking silently. Or maybe they are just too impatient. I have killed so many opponents that way.