Thread: Stupid NAACP
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Default 02-14-2003, 09:21 PM

[quote:2554d]You said that affirmative action enforces equality, therefore suggesting that it makes people equal. BUT it does make inequality more prevalent, just not in an obvious way. It may seem to make minorities more equal, but in turn makes whites less equal. This IS making inequality more prevalant, just in a different manner. And all americans are not racists, vast majorities are not. Hardly any white people are seriously rascist anymore, or at least do not act on it. Also, most of these racist people do not work in places like admissions offices at universities or in large companies, and thus racism does not really affect these processes. Also, black people are racist also. You hear "cracker" as much as "nigger" these days. Just as many minorities are rascists as majorities.

You just do not give ENOUGH confidence in the American populace[/quote:2554d]

Affirmative action does what the majority of americans will not do - it attempts to even out the unequality that had become a way of life. You still have yet to adress the basic question - can Americans be trusted to not let an instinctful prejudice affect the way they conduct themselves? That IS the question.

Not whether or not AA promotes reverse discrimination. Not what the percentage of whites to minorities there are. The question is, do you believe that WITHOUT affirmative action minorities have ANY kind of chance of living in this nation?

If you sincerely believe that those in positions of power are not affected by the "good ol boys" mentality - I applaud your faith in your peers my friend.

As I have already said, in its current form, AA is not perfect. But at the very least it means that a minority looking for a chance will be more likely to get it. Sad that it must come at the expense of a majority but there it is ladies and gentleman.
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