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Default 01-04-2002, 10:23 AM

I was reading something someplace, I cant remember where, but it was about this problem, and the people at 2015 were talking about it. I think maybe they know and its a bug. But don't take my word on it. You should post this in the board of developers forum, someone from 2015 will tell you (They made teh game, EA just sorta made pop tarts and watched)

But if its a microsoft mouse, go to their site and look for updated drivers for it. Thats always a good idea to do with everything on your comp.


"So I guess I changed some. Sometimes I wonder if I've changed so much my wife is even gonna recognize me whenever it is I get back to her. And how I'll ever be able to, to tell her about days like today. Ah, Ryan...I don't know anything about Ryan and I don't care. The man means nothing to me. He's just a name. But if you know, going on to Ramelle and finding him so he can go home, if that earns me the right to get back to my wife, well then, that's my mission."
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