02-14-2003, 11:00 PM
ED has a point, and that is this:
The typical, white American is unable to see things in the same manner as the typical white American. This is due to a number of reasons, but I'll only address a few.
First of all, police brutality. This is probably one of the most ridiculous stigmas in existance. Police departments are required to record the race of the individual involved in any incident. These numbers are usually compiled at year-end to evaluate problems with racial profiling. They can look at any officer's records, and see what percentage white, blacks or whatever constitute of that officer's incidents. IA then investigates anyone with an unusually high % of one race or another, and dismisses them where necessary. Now, there is a stigma amongst the black community that police officers harass blacks, particularly males, without proper reason. Now yes, this does occur, I'm not refuting that. However, it is very important to remember that, according to statistics, a black male living in a lower-class neighbor is fifteen times more likely to commit a violent crime than an asian or hispanic, and twenty-two times more likely than a white male. So, in these lower-class neighborhoods, the caution shown by police officers is necessary to protect the community.
Also note that 42 of the 50 neighborhoods in America with the highest violent crime rate are predominantly african-american. Three are predominantly white, two are hispanic, and two are Asian. It should be noted that the 2nd and 3rd spots belong to an Asian and Caucasion neighborhood respectively.
I was going to address more issues, but I just don't feel like typing it all out at the moment.
However, please keep in mind that the average white male is NOT a racist, and associates with many peoples of color. I, a conservative white male, am not a racist. But I am repeatedly infuriated by people who want to label me as such just because of the color of my skin. I am sick and fucking tired of these ignorant assholes like Jesse Jackson and Al fucking Sharpton trying to bolden the race lines and incite a national war of races. Fuck them, and fuck every single ignorant person who wants to cry racism because they just aren't as good at something as someone else. It's time this country spits out its pacifier and stops catering to the people who mandate political correctness. I, as a white male and manager of a restaurant, am a victim of racism every single day. Every single fucking day. But you know what? I don't assume every black person who applies for a job is a racist, nor are they all. But you know what? 4 out of 5 are. And I still don't generalize. I still give everyone an equal chance. Even though I hear the slurs behind my back. So you know what? Don't fucking generalize the white race as being racist and uncapable of viewing people equally until you can get your own fucking people to get their shit in line first.
And for reference, I would have voted for Colin Powell had he run for President, twice if he replaced Bush.
Thank you and good night.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008