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USAKnight is Offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Default 02-15-2003, 12:34 AM

To hell with the UN. If they got their panties in a wad over Saddam, why are THEY not fighting him instead of sending Americans! This war is unnecessary, a fight so Bush can one-up his daddy. If the UN is so concerned, then why haven't their mighty inspectors done their job for the past twelve years? If the UN said that the US went against them, would you want Euro troops invading the US and killing civilians just like in Rhodesia? Look it up, if you can read. If half of the people wanting war would think for themselves instead of blindly following the US and the UN, they would see, maybe soon enough to prevent their sons from coming home in a box. I don't give a flying fuck about what is stylish, and I'm pissed off at Hollywood for making movies glorifying killers and then trying to take away my guns, so don't think I'm some trend-hungry hippie. (Hollywood can make whatever they want, but leave my guns alone). I'm an American, not a slave to my government and the UN, which was the worst idea is the past 100 years. Maybe if your ass had to go over their and get shot or blown up, maybe you would think differently. And anybody that thinks Saddam is another Hitler is living in a fantasy world! Send Bush to Iraq!

Patriot for Peace.
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