The correct headline here is ICB clan KICKED and BANNED from ALL TWL ladders for NOT CHEATING. Read the posts here and at The _n indicates cheat skins disabled. If our clan leader and co leader had gone into this match wearing these skins this would have not shown on a dumpuser and reading Druid's post he raises some serious questions about dumbusers. We have already been convicted in the court of world opinion and no one has asked us what really happened but as I say, please read the posts again, the _n indicates there were no cheat skins enabled. I don't get it, we go into a match to fight fair and square against a clan that was upset because we had beaten them before, (and we all know they are such great players anyone who beats them must be cheating) , they apparently had the TWL admin waiting for us and managed to get rid of us. Congrats on your victory OCG. Now, we have a ss from TWL that shows the dumpuser and a strange glowing orange object on the right side of the screen, Could it be OCG had neon skins enabled and were too stupid to catch this on their ss? Looks like it to me. More to follow. Special thanks to Druid, Clubber and MPowell 1944 for their remarks here.
[ICB] DeathFury a proud member of ICB clan