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imported_Fluffy_Bunny is Offline
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Default 02-15-2003, 12:18 PM

Why exactly? Oil prices & inflation?

Let's look at it this way.

The main expenditure for the war will be on logistics and since the war probably won't last as long as the Gulf because Saddam has less troops etc then it shouldn’t kill the U.S. It will probably last as long as the war in Afghanistan and that didn't cripple the U.S did it?
The U.S has a sh&t load of missiles with a shelf life of only 10 years or so. So blasting a few of those off isn’t going to make that much difference to the U.S taxpayer anyway because they have already been purchased. The weapons industry will need more ammunition etc that will create money won't it? Since the war probably won’t last that long the oil prices won’t spiral out of control for too long. When its all over we can probably strike a better bargain with the new iraqi puppet government over oil prices than we did with Saddam..
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