01-05-2002, 03:40 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tyler Durden:
[B]Im thinking or Pre-Ordering MOH, im thinking of doing it at Amazon.com.... After taking a look at the specs this is my problem.
System requirements
Pentium II 500 MHz or faster processor
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, 2000, or Me
4x CD-ROM drive
16 MB OpenGL-capable video card with DirectX 7.0-compatible driver
DirectX 7.0-compatible sound card
Keyboard and mouse
I have :
Pentium celercon 400Mhz
Microsoft windows 98
128 MB Ram
32X CD-Rom Drive
Gforce 2 MX 400 (64MB AGP)
Sound Blaster LIVE!
So should I get it ? Im thinking, that if I get this, im only gonna play MultiPlayer, because I can turn everything to the max when it coems to MP. But when it comes to SP I have to lower everything to the ground. So im just gonna play MP untill I Get my upgrade, which will be this summerSHUT UP NIGGER DONT SAY ME BULLSHIT STUPID MONGOLOIDE