02-16-2003, 01:10 AM
[quote="Gen. Disarray":ba688]WHAT the fuck is up with these ww2 fps? Someone somewhere has got the idea that the mp40 and stg44 were sucessful weapons (and, omfg, superior to all others!!!!) beyond 5 yards or so ALL automatic fire is WAAAYYYYY to accurate. Even more so for the Axis weapons. These bonehead programmers seem to think a 9mm and 7.62mm assault have knockdown and penetration equal to or better (!?!) than a .45 acp or .30/06.. The best axis weapons produced were by far the Mauser 98's and the FG series paratroop weapons (which couldnt be mass produced at inception and saw little action? German superiority in fire arms existed solely in extreme close quarters (by virtue of every soldier issued a sidearm and sheer quantity of smgs available) and the MG34 (much like the thompson, too much a work of craftsmanship to be mass produced cheaply) MG42 (marginally superior to the Browning in all around performance and easier portability) WHEN WILL WE SEE A REAL REALISM MOD MADE BY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK THEY ARE DOING????[/code][/quote:ba688]
Calm down, dude. It's a game. It's not meant to immitate real life verbatim. Just have fun. biggrin: