02-16-2003, 04:14 AM
I live in South Carolina. The flag was removed from
atop the State House and now sits in some memorial park
dedicated to the civil war where it belongs. While it was
part of the civil war, it's not part of modern day society.
It didn't belong on the State House. This whole flag issue is ridiculous.
It makes the South look like uneducated back wood hillbillies,
that won't recongize black people as equals. This isn't true.
Southerners get a bad enough "wrap" as it is, without all this
childish shit. The only people that were here in SC protesting
were 40'ish white guys with poor up-bringings and very little education.
They don't speak for the silent majority who really could give
a fuck less what happened. The civil war isn't a proud moment to remember.
As for Georgia, let the people vote, if they vote to have it back,
so be it. That's democracy, and that's coming from a conservative republican. biggrin: