02-16-2003, 12:07 PM
Ok, Im all for removing Saddam, he's certainly a bad guy, but not at the expense of our own people. I just have a hard time with the whole "pre-emptive" strike. This sets a really bad precedent, I am an american and around here you need proof. Don't give me the satelite photos and intelligence BS and the other scare tactics Powell was trying with the UN. If the US knows where the damn weapons are tell Hans Blix where, find them, show the world, and then take out saddam!!
I am sure people have heard this argument before, but whats the deal with our countries BS policy with a pre-emptive stike with Iraq (where we have no smoking gun), but yet N. Korea has Nuclear WMD has kicked out inspectors and all we are doing is talking to them. Bullshit!!
People protesting. You know most of the people on the left who are protesting a war are not doing it for the cause. When I see these people out there I really wonder about why and for what reason they are doing it. Thier message has been so diluted and in defiance of what a peaceful protest is supposed to be about (some of these people are the same individuals who start riots over WTO, ie. seattle) I think protesting is good when people believe in the cause, but if they are looking for publicity or fame, or to start violence its a pretty hollow cause. I think we should be questioning our government and its actions, this is part of the many freedoms that is guaranteed with the constitution. With Ashcroft as AG these are shrinking by the day!
As for all of you "war hawks" looking to go to war, I undestand you desire to kill, its part of our human nature (like it or not) some people hide it better than others. I just wonder what you will think, when your are their fighting and you buddy gets sliced in two by mortar shrapnel or starts blistering and bleeding internally from VX gas, if you'll be so "gung ho' then? If you want a reality check about death and war, find a Vietnam Vet who's willing to talk and I guarantee you'll have second thoughts about killing.
Last but not least a war in the middle east will totally destablize this region and fall out from it could be devastating. Its gonna be ugly.