I did a quick search on Copernic...found this in under three minutes:
Enhanced security
Bot Kicker?! Haha. Nice try "ca.mtown.com". Special thanks to SnoRider for the code
Bug/Gameplay Fixes
Fixed bug in NameFun toy that caused some odd crashes.
Comments on using Commands:
Version 1.7 can be tailored to your preferences by a series of bot commands.
They can be set to preferred intial values by using the Quakebot.ini file. A
sample file is included in the ZIP download file. Edit it to your liking and put it
in your quakeid1 subdirectory.
They can also be modified in two ways, by key binding or by direct "bot console" input. Keys may be bound to commands in a config file (ie quakebot.cfg) in the normal way, with the bot commands prefixed with "qb_". For example, bind "F1" "qb_assist"
will set the F1 key to toggle Assist mode on/off.
During the game, one may also use the quakebot Hot-Key sequence "Shift-Esc"
to open a bot command console. Typing the sequences:
Shift-Esc / Assist True will directly set Assist mode On.
Shift-Esc / PingAdj -150.0 will reset PingAadj to -150 millisecs
Commands with Binding Support:
Click on a link to go straight to that word.
| Assist | Attack | Action | Teams | AutoWeap | Timers |
| Glow | Stats | Grapple | Focus | HUD | NoSpam | NameFun |
| Cloor | PowerUps | Buddy | Mute | Dodge | Secure | Debug |
Assist (qb_assist)
Assist mode "true" disables autofire. When you shoot at an enemy, the bot will just assist your aim a bit (if possible). Very, very human-like; you're just a better shot.
Attack (qb_attack)
Attack mode is normally "true". When set "false", you will only target/shoot enemies immediately in front of you. As "false" is a more "human-like" setting, it is also less effective.
Action (qb_action)
Action mode is normally "true"; this enables autoaim/autofire. With Action "false" the bot is will not function as an AimBot. This is the mode that is (by far) the most controversial. Note: Action is the same as ActionAllowed
Teams (qb_teams)
Teams toggles DM/CTF mode of play.
AutoWeap (qb_autoweap)
AutoWeap is normally "true". When set to "false", the bot will stop selecting weapons. Note: AutoWeap is just the reverse of NoWeaponChoose
Timers (qb_timers)
Timers set "false" disables the countdown timers for powerups, weapons and ammo.
Glow (qb_glow)
Glow set "true" enables glow cheat. Enemies glow, amd enemies with Quad sparkle.
Grapple (qb_grapple)
Grapple set "true" enables bot grapple code. Set "false", you use with your normal aliases for grapple.
Cloor (qb_cloor)
Cloor is a toggle function the starts/stops autofire on the current target. If you want the Bot to stop autoshooting someone, toggle Cloor. To start autofire on someone, shoot them and toggle Cloor. This IS NOT the cloor cheat. It is used AGAINST people using the cloor cheat.
PowerUps (qb_powerups)
Powerups set "true" generates multicolored dots in the direction of the nearest powerup you face (quad, 666,megahealth, biosuit, etc). Good for learning about new levels.
Buddy (qb_buddy)
Buddy mode set "true" allows the bot to move on its own. Maybe I should call it "Quake TV".
Mute (qb_mute)
Mute mode set "true" disables all bot screen displays.
Focus (qb_focus)
Focus set "true" will target any enemy you manually fire on as especially hated.
HUD (qb_HUD)
HUD set "true" enables the onscreen enemy location update message.
NoSpam (qb_NoSpam)
NoSpam set "true" (default) suppresses repetitive messages.
NameFun (qb_NameFun)
NameFun set "true" cycles your name in running banner fashion. Just for fun. Your original name gets restored when reset to false.
Dodge (qb_dodge)
Dodge mode set "true" allows the bot to dodge (duh!). Bot will attempt to dodge incoming rounds and opponents directly facing the bot.
Secure (qb_secure)
Secure mode set "true" allows the bot to ignore a disconnect command.
Stats (qb_stats)
Stats just prints out some autofire statistics. It's only real use is for reporting bugs back to me.
Debug (qb_debug)
Debug mode set "true" does whatever I want it to do.
Obviously I'm not going to say where I found this, but anyone with a half-decent search engine won't need my help.
Aimbots...ten-a-penny. Solution? Give EVERYONE one.
[This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 06, 2002).]