I had a few e-mails. Jeez, enuff already.
My CS setup was joystick in the right hand, track-ball in the left. I found it to be a killer combo.
MoH, trackball in the right hand, keyboard in the left. Ok for rapid-fire, but too jittery for anything else.
Anyway, in the interests of fairness I decided last night to do some experimentation. I got my hands on a selection of mice (mate's shop, squad-mates' homes) and tried them out.
Regular mice are pretty crap, but not as crap as my track-ball for steady aiming.
But two mice stood out...both wireless, one optical, one ball-regular.
I do believe with the wireless mice it would be possible to practice enough that one would be able to track a moving target and hit it, though not if one were moving oneself (lucky shots excepted). The zoom-in/out was faster also than on my trackball, probably something to do with my TB's age.
I went online to test the best mouse (USB Wireless regular-ball) and found I could acquire and hit targets very quickly with it. Considering I was playing cold and have no practice with the sniper-rifle I was considerably suprised at how easy it was. With intense practice I can believe that one would become quite deadly.
It doesn't explain the phenomena of some snipers always seeming to know where a target is hiding...I do know there are thousands of Asus Magic-Eye drivers out there though.
I have a burr up my arse where cheats are concerned, and that fact has un-balanced my judgement somewhat. I should have done the mouse testing before pronouncing anyone a cheat. I still have my 'paranoid' suspicions regarding snipers and aimbots/Asus drivers, but under the current circumstances I have no valid grounds for suspecting Rigz to be anything other than a sniper-obsessive who needs to stop practicing and get a real life.
I therefore make an unconditional apology to Rigz and Ydiss for slagging their names without a sound basis in fact. Sorry guys.
We all know this game is rife with cheats, but until the fuckers making it decide to get off their useless arses and give us secure code we'll just have to grit our teeth and allow the cheats to prosper. It's either that or take the risk of branding innocent people.
Final note to the wankers developing this no-prone, no anti-cheat-code game: a) Remove the sniper rifles. They totally un-balance the map in the hands of anyone who has anally and obsessively practiced with them. b) Remove the anti-tank weapons from any map that doesn't have armoured vehicles. Too many kids use them inappropriately and spoil the play.
That's my lot.