Yeah Tyler, give it to me.
And I'm tired of shiftless western developers who put shite out the door and expect us to download huge patches at our own expense after paying full fucking retail.
I kind of got used to it until Oleg Maddox came along and showed us all that it CAN be done properly...Ilyushin2. The finest piece of code to ever come onto the PC market. It pisses all over ANYthing done by fat, lazy, greedy western hacks.
Soldier sim...any developer worth his salt gets the basics planned well in advance. Most basic elements: soldier positions. Come on, how can ANY developer neglect to ensure prone positions make it into a soldier sim??? It's like leaving the fucking undercarriage off a plane.
I don't think my expectations are unreasonable. Prone position is BASIC STUFF for gawd's sake!!!
I predicted nearly two years ago that eastern european developers would be the ruin of western developers if they could do a better job. Oleg Maddox and Il2 are a sign of things coming. Eastern europeans are hungry and prepared to WORK. Western developers think we owe them a fucking living for their shoddy, under-specced, half-arsed crap.
Bring MoH up to par or don't be expecting full retail for it. Full retail means full game, not Deadly Dozen Light.
I like this forum, good place to rant.