01-06-2002, 02:37 AM
yeah your right. Games these days are for slackers. What they need to do is put it in the hands of the player. Games like medal gear solid 2, where u have to hide bodys, now thats life like. And thats what peopl want. Games like moh should have came out 3 years ago, but the game industry is stuck in a rut, and now all games are the same game play !
Its like when they set out to make moh, they had a goal, and they knew how long it would take to make a fps , and they set a dead line. When they got to work, they wanted to add so much more stuff ! But oh no the dead line ! Ya see, big companys like EA and Activison are no good ! The game makers need to work at their own pace, and not some dead line of some guy sitting in his chair waiting for the money to come in ! Its not that western developers dont work hard, its that the ideas are at a dead end. AND THEY SHOULDNT BE ! I mean, they just came out with from dusk till dawn the videogame, and soon to come out with the game the thing. Both based off movies that didnt do well ! And gameplay is not going to be anything new. How could it ? So what is there to the game ? why buy it ? There is no reason to.
What western developers need to do is stray away from the big game makers, and make their own game. The reason Half-Life and quake were so big is becuase it was something new ! Now all games are based off of good looks and sound. What happen to gameplay and good acting in games ? I'll tell ya what happen ! Dead lines were set, money was cut short, and time was lost !
When the eastern games take off I think it will open the eyes of the west, and things will get back on their feet. Right now there is no reason at all to make videogames, because what is there to give to the player he or she hasnt already seen or done, or heard ? If 2015 didnt need the help of ea and could do everything themselfs, then you would have your prone, you would have your flamethrower, and you would have the time that should have been spent in the game, but was lost due to it being takin away by big bubusiness.
Which would u rather have.. A game that was set by a due date, and was shiped out with things that had to be takin out. Or a game that took a extra year to make, but had everything you have ever wanted ? I myself would pick option number 2. I rather wait 4 years, then 3 or 2, or 1 for a game. Because you know the time and thought was put into it. Not that moh had any put into it. But not enough, and more could have, if more time was givin.