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Default AUTO KICK - 02-18-2003, 12:57 PM

as for the sever. i run a 15 player server on cable with no problem. as for auto kick. youll need to create a config folder in your main folder. then youll need to create a server file to put into the config folder. then put the unnamed soldier file in the config folder along with the server file. when you start the game copy and paste your server file into your unnamed soldier file and save it. start auto kick..start the the console type RCON PASSWORD XXX ...X BEING WHATEVER PASSWORD YOU CHOOSE. then hit enter. your auto kick will work fine. youll have to copy and paste the server file every time you start the game. for whatever reason it wont save after you close the game.the reason for all that is thats how auto kick communicates with the game. itll do exactly what your lookin for ...ive been runnin autokick on my server almost since it came out.
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