Originally Posted by "Jedi Marksman":ffbfc
Originally Posted by SuperMan
Originally Posted by Vance1
Wow, they won one frickin war. The US are like 11-1
try 11-2 you guys havnt found usama bin laden then it will be 11-3 when iraq kicks your ass then 11-4 when N.korea gets done with ya fire1:
What is the second one?
the war on terriosm havnt won that have ya[/quote:ffbfc]
No, but then it just started. Add that to the fact that we have many self serving "allies" who seem to be more concerned with covering their asses than. . .
From a certain philosophy, I hope Bin Laden isn't caught. I hope he dies in obscurity, just another terrorist forgotten about, like Abu Nidal, Illyich Ramirez Sanchez(Carlos, The Jackal) rotting in prison, just another idiot hiding his hatred behind political or theological rhetoric and lies. Arabs the world over are already ignoring his call for a "holy war". This guy is going down one way or another.
Superman, you really don't like American, do you?