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Default 02-18-2003, 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by SuperMan
i was trying to point out vance making fun of the french so what if there military sucks you dont have to bring the sates is 11-1 like no shit you got the biggest military its the state of mind of the yankees that i hate the most some americans are cool and some people who think the states is all mighty god thats why your towers fell
Everyone thinks their country is wonderful. You don't love Canada, Super man? There are idiots EVERYWHERE you go. I've met Canadians who are idiots. Some people just don't understand Americans at all, and throwing the World Trade Center in our faces constantly is getting old. We've taken a stand in the Middle East and we have stood by it. If Arabs in the Middle East want to know why they are suffering, they should look at their own self-serving leaders, before blaming an external "enemy". But then, having America to blame legitimizes many of the bad governments over there, doesn't it?