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Default 02-18-2003, 11:43 PM

Originally Posted by SuperMan
i was trying to point out vance making fun of the french so what if there military sucks you dont have to bring the sates is 11-1 like no shit you got the biggest military its the state of mind of the yankees that i hate the most some americans are cool and some people who think the states is all mighty god thats why your towers fell
Take a breath, Mr.

Before I start a Class A whompin' on your ass, learn how to spell, and get your grammer straight.

In my history book, the only war we've 'lost' was Vietnam, but when you think about it, our objective was to keep the North Vietnamese from taking over South Vietnam, and I think we accomplished that, correct?. I pretty much count it as a victory, but ill say it was a "lose" so you'll stop bitchin'


The terroist comment you made... well sir, you are certainly an arrogant fool.

Our objective on bin laden and his al-quada was to kick thier ass out of Afghanistan and restore order there. I think we accomplished that, correct? I certainly think so.

The comment on Iraq, well... not even worth insulting you there.

Put a sock in it, dumbass. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Go back into that igloo you live in.