02-18-2003, 11:49 PM
Well that really has nothing to do with cheating.. Thoughs skins wouldn't show on the server less the server hosted them.. So the problem with good custom skins these days is the server has to have them aswell as the clients for everyone to see them.. This is also lame because if you took away ForceModels and the server-side skin restriction. Making MOH more like the Original Quake where you could see whatever skin other people were wearing as long as you downloaded the skins yourself.. That would help spot alot of the cheaters. Well I was pretty bummed out when they took that option away in games.
With Quake.. I must of downloaded 200mb worth of 8bit skins.. It's was a simpler time. But the skins that came out for Quake were still sweet compaired to the defaults.. And the beauty with down loading so many skins.. Back then you would join a server with so many skins..no one would be wearing the same skin.. You had super hero's running around. All kinds of stuff.. I used to make aliases to change my skins at certian times. It was alot of fun.
Oh well.. Our server hosts some good skins.