02-18-2003, 11:57 PM
Welllll.....I did get over excited there. Like I said I can appreciate the need for balance and gameplay certainly. BUT! I guess it drives me nuts with these wackos pushin "realism"mods, might as well call em "make it really good for my favorite (and or my misguided perception of a good) firearm mod. I dont see why it wouldnt be fun to make the game realistically rifle oriented, with the sprayers having an advantage at 10 minus yards or so. AND WHERE THE FUCK DID I SAY THE AXIS WEAPONS SHOULD TAKE 10 SHOTS TO THE ALLIES 1??? I GUARANTEE I SHOOT U WITH A GARAND OR A MAUSER IN THE GUT YOU WONT KNOW OR CARE. YOU HIDIN BEHIND A SOLID CORE DOOR ? STG 44 YOU MIGHT STAND A CHANCE, BAR YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE BEHIND TISSUE PAPER, THAT IS UNLESS I WAS SHOULDER FIRING THE BAR, OR WELL JUST USIN THE STG, CAUSE THE SAFEST PLACE TO BE IS WHERE THE FUCKERS POINTIN. (AFTER THE FIRST ROUND THAT IS) WEAKEST-MP40/P38 MIDDLE STG44 MOST POWERFUL, THE RIFLE ROUNDS AND BAR ARE A TOSSUP. Any one of them will kill ya deader n' shit.