Thread: Cheater's?
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realdeal is Offline
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Default 02-20-2003, 12:47 AM

Find the complete OGL and {MOB} story here:

Originally Posted by Druid
A little more proof of how MOHAA ladder admins have the power to make senseless decisions.
{MOB} has just left the OGL TDM realism ladder due to Caine deciding to award a win to a clan who was clearly cheating.

We were warned by another clan about who we were playing in an upcoming match. Foolishly we thought we were covered because 2 admins were going to spectate the match.

Now for the funny part.

During the match both admins thought someone on the other team was cheating and requested screenshots from all players. Everybody sent in their screenshots except for the person who was suspected of cheating.

You would think the normal response would be one of 3 things.
1) Cancel the match altogether.
2) Cancel the match until the other team agrees to a rematch where everyone will send in the required screenshots.
3) Suspend the player who was suspected of cheating and wouldn't send in the requested screenshot.

{MOB} would of happily accepted any of those 3 possibilities.
Little did we know there was a fourth possibility.

Caine, the OGL ladder director, decided to award the other team a win.
If your wondering how he came to that decision. Well, even though the admins told everyone to take screenshots because they suspected cheating. Since the person who was suspected of cheating wouldn't send in their screenshot. OGL couldn't use the screenshot as proof of him cheating. And without proof, OGL can't do anything.

Now that might make sense to a 5 year old.
To me it was utterly ludicrous.

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