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Default 02-20-2003, 03:08 AM

Well one thing that is great is I sometimes come across some n00b who is clueless and i follow him around the map always keeping behind him. he doesnt even notice the extra footsteps. i've done this for up to several minutes. finally they will realize someone is around and they will turn at me. thats when i smak em with my pistol! lol

another similar circumstance: Omaha beach. ELF's server. this was great... the server would not change maps so we were getting bored on the axis side and decided to make up our own rules and objectives: namely, to try and make it into the allied boats. We also started using only pistols and nades and we went bashing and shooting them as we charged for teh sea. IT was hilarious, they still could not win even with half the axis swimming out in the water. then at one point i got into a boat with some guy. HE COULD NOT AIM TO SAVE HIS LIFE! he had sniper and would see me and aim, i would strafe and dodge his shot. he would correct his aim and fire but i would strafe the other way. then I jumped on his head. he was like "wtf where did he go?" finally he looks up. i jump off just as decides to pull the trigger. then i hide just outside the boat. he stands there perplexed. where had i gotten off to?? then he finally comes out and I pop out and he tries to shoot me over and over but i dodge easily. then im yelling to my m8s on axis "COME OUT AND WATCH THIS AT BOATS" but some other dumbass axis snipes my playtoy before they could see. lmao that was the greatest. oOo:
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