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Mac OSX problem - 'Please insert CD1' when disk is mounted.
Tommy Atkins is Offline
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Default Mac OSX problem - 'Please insert CD1' when disk is mounted. - 02-20-2003, 09:12 AM

Anyone help with a Mac installation problem?
I've run MOHAA undes OS9.2.2, but when I try to install (from original genuine disks) onto my OSX box I get the message 'Please insert the CD "Medal of Honor CD1" into your CD-ROM drive or press quit', even though CD1 is in the drive and showing on the desktop.
My son tried earlier to install MOHAA (without success) onto the same drive from a cloned disk - are there invisible prefs lurking somewhere in the system which prevents the real version from being recognised? If so, how do I uninstall them?
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