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IHaveNOFriendsAndISuck is Offline
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Posts: 153
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: southern california, USA all the way!!
Default 01-06-2002, 01:46 AM

Hey Hotspur. Im From Los Angeles, california, not a small town dumbass. I also go to the third best high school in the nation. Ive been to Germany, austria, hungry, the czech republich, france, england canada, italy, mexico, Great Brittain, spain, switzerland, and 43 of the 50 states. ive seen the world, and many of the places i've gone i've loved. Most of the rest of the world is great, But evrey day I thank God that i have the privelage of being an american. Hell yes im a flag waving Republican patriot. your a liberal slob anti-american. If you have a problem with me loving my country and countriemen than you can get the hell out and see if you like living any where else as much as america.

once again i cannot type worth crap
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