Thread: Anit-War Thread
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Default 02-21-2003, 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by FAGTCHER
do you think for one little second that saddam would not sell or give his weapons to anyone who would bring them into this country. if he thought they would do it im sure hed be more then happy to give the crap away. SO YOU DONT THINK SADDAM CAN STRIKE AMERICAN SOIL HUH..i bet you didnt think osama bin ladden could reach this country either did ya. had bin ladden been delt with 2 years ago before the trade center all those people would be alive today..SAY THANK YOU BILL CLINTON...he bombed the twin towers..clinton did nothing....they blew a huge hole in the side of the navy ship killing our seamen...again clinton did nothing knowing full well who did it. which brings us to saddam..more then capable of the same type of just keep on stickin your head in the sand and let saddam go about his merry way until him and his cohorts decide what theyll do next...SCREW THAT !!!! we take him outa the game now so well all be safe tomarrow.
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