Thread: Anit-War Thread
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Default 02-22-2003, 12:39 AM

i think your both right and wrong, yes the muslim religion is about tolerance, but what we are dealing with here are a bunch of muslim extremist who have taken their religion to seriously. This is the downfall of religion, Christians did it in the crusades and the muslims are doing it with their jihad. I also agree that we are definitely seen as outsiders and do not belong in thier holy land. This will always be a problem until we pull out, if that would ever occur.

I really hope what Butch said about the Iraqi's throwing down their weapons and being liberated from Saddam, but there are a lot of bad consequences that could occur that will change the face of this planet, if things go wrong.

I think, no matter what happens there are going to be a lot of pissed off people at the US and Especially the president.
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