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PART 2: Struka p47 chase Stage I
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Default PART 2: Struka p47 chase Stage I - 02-22-2003, 04:13 PM

The Stuka P47 Chase
Stage I: First Chase Sequence

Making a stuka chase a p47 is not easy so I hope you guys appreciate
the work I am making for all you diehard players out there.
This first shot is the opening sequence where the Stuka and the
p47 fly over an alleyway behind the fort and prepare to make a sharp
turn under the fort's bridge.

This shot is the explosion that will be tied to the p47. The
timing is a little off but will be
corrected for the final cut.

This shot is of an explosion caused by a p47 bombing run. A stuka on
the ground bites the dust. The sound is authentic and timed exactly for every planes origin.

There will be four sequences to this dog fight. The next one is
the tower bombing run. The third giving the flying stuka his demise
into a bridge during the final chase. And the last is the p47 making his victory barrel rolls over the entire town.
Well that's it for this segment.
Keep an eye out. Oh, and give me some feedback.

PART 2: Stage 2
The Tower Explosion
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