HEHE Now first off I have to laugh because some of ya'll are getting a little overexcited about this. I think it is really unneccesary to get pissed at someone because they express a feeling about a subject some of ya'll need to chill. BTW I agree wholeheartedly that Shotties are for no talent hacks I am not the greatest player heck I'm only average but even I can see that the shotgun and rocket in particular have design flaws the fact that I (being the maybe average player that I am) can clear a room full of smg users with one shottie clip speaks for itself! I personally thought that those of you who have been around longer would agree but it seems that the general consensus is that it dosn't really matter. Now maybe I am wrong but I'm guessing that if you are my senior in posting by like thousands I.E. Sk8-h8er, etc.... then you have probably delt with the same crap us average people are feeling. Could you at least try and think about that before you keep on tearing this poor guy down?? I'm sure some of ya'll are going to take this post and make me eat it. Please be nice
