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Default 02-23-2003, 09:37 PM

dude STFU you know nothing about me and to question my patriotism well that just Shows your Ignorance.

I support what ever the President deems nec. You see These Colors unlike the French, Dont Run (*Waves American Flag*) We Owe Europe NOTHING
I repeat NOTHING nor do we Owe Israel anything?

Im Disrespecting those that fought in WW2? once again STFU you ignorant Foreigner you seem to have it all figured out well Mr. Now it all
once again your wrong... My Grand Father served in the War and lost his Leg in the Pacific and up until his death in 1991 i remember hearing the horrible stories our Marines Suffered in the Phillipines.... So take that and Shove it up your self righteous Ass....

This post and my previous one are not to be taken in a Anti Semetic Nature... I hate no one

It is you and your Ignorance that Bring Shame to those that Served in WW2
and that war has nothing to do with the Current situation of Iraq so do stay on the subject, instead of writing checks with your mouth your ass cant cash

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