02-23-2003, 10:27 PM
God of all compassion, I am heartily sorry
For stepping on others with harsh judgments
rather than living gently with them
For clinging to people's destructive habits and narrow opinions
rather than letting go into change and growth
For being intolerant of my own limitations and weakness
rather than walking gently within myself
For inappropriate displays of anger, often toward the wrong people
rather than dealing with anger at the right time, in the right way and with the right people
For blaming others or God for my struggles
rather than accepting the role I often play in making life difficult
And for seeking prestige, power, pleasure or position
rather than walking with the humble truth that I am as broken and blessed as my neighbor
You have promised God that you would companion me through my life in the presence
of Christ's compassion and forgiveness. Welcome me again to your way
and will rather than my way and want
Forgive me, Lord, for following what cannot save me from myself and strengthen
me for the journey we travel together