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Gen. Disarray is Offline
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Posts: 19
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Location: H.B. California
Default 02-24-2003, 11:14 PM

I stopped reading comics about 12 years ago. (just drifted away, not saying i outgrew them) and I loved the X-men. Im stoked Nightcrawler is gonna be in the movie, he was always a favorite. The teleport effect looks retarded in the trailers though, way to mild and wispy, it should be violent with a stinking dense cloud. Ive tried to pick up books to catch up and im lost, whats up with all the new universes and crap. When I stopped it was right after the massacre, Psylocke had joined, Collosus was paralyzed, 'crawler was in a coma. Now I read this crap that Wolverines claws are natural? Sabertooth has got the adamantium skeleton too? Amongst other crap that totally destroys the continuity that I remember.
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