02-26-2003, 05:00 AM
Mother fucking...
Tonight, on one of the very rare occasions I watch those bullshit "Current Affair" type shows, there was this guy who was a member of the "Australian Nationalists" party or some shit,
During the 80's these fuckers firebombed Chinese restaurants, and fucked over the Asian-Australian populace, even murdering some poor guy... He claims he did it to "defend this country's interests" and he's nothing but a patriotic guy, who "is NOT a criminal"... He just got out of prison after serving 18 years, and is trying to get into fucking Parliament...
I'm anti death penalty, but some people deserve to die... Saddam Hussein being one of them, maybe this tard should accidently get a bullet in the head...
I would love, just LOVE, to belt this guy with a large blunt object, as long as he's strapped to a deck-chair, and smash the shit out of him...