01-09-2002, 11:16 AM
NOTE: Make sure you have the latest firmware for the router. There was a bug in earlier versions with port forwarding.
There's a couple ways you can do this. Disabling DHCP is not necessary (as long as you have the latest firmware). Firstly, find out your NIC IP address (Win2k/XP - type "ipconfig /all" at the command prompt, Win9x/ME - type "winipcfg" in Start -> Run).
In the router settings, click on the "Advanced" tab on the far right, then click on the "Forwarding" tab. Here, you'll see several columns of settings you can enter. On the first line, enter the port 12201 into the first box, then 12203 into the second box (port range setting, these are the ports MoH:AA uses by default). The next box leave set to "Both", and the last, enter your IP address (192.168.1.xxx by default). Click the "Apply" button at the bottom, and you should now be able to run a server just fine.
Another way is to use the DMZ option (but provides less security for your network). On the "DMZ Host" tab in Advanced, just enter the same IP here, click "Apply", and host away.
I have this same router, and I have run a MoH:AA server through it. So, if you have an questions, just ask.
Have fun,
[This message has been edited by WeRD69 (edited January 09, 2002).]