02-26-2003, 03:00 PM
[quote:daa03]Yes, I've studied WWII history for about 3 years now, and what zxcvnm posted is spot on, what hamster said reflects a bias based on ignorance of the true facts. The SS were murderers, the Waffen SS were nothing more than elite combat soldiers, no diffrent from the Rangers, Green Berets, or Navy SEALs.[/quote:daa03]
3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf
Probably the most notorious division in the entire Waffen SS. The main reason for this is that they provided the guards for the concentration camps with the initial members of this division when incorporated into the Waffen SS being ex-concentration camp guards. The most terrible crime ever perpetrated by the Nazi regime-the systematic extermination of Jews, gypsies, Slavs, priests and other so-called undesirables was implemented(along with other SS and SD organisations) by this division. As well as this their record on the battlefield is a reflection of their other activities. During the invasion of France in 1940 it was reported that they took no French colonial troops(mostly North Africans) prisoner.
When the Totenkopf was advancing towards Merville, an isolated pocket of resistance from some British troops held up the advance they eventually surrendered due to their ammunition supply running out. It was at this time that the British raised the white flag to surrender. The Germans came forward to dis-arm them but someone opened fire on them. A little later the prisoners were subdued and gave up their arms. They were marched into a field and members of the 4th Kompanie 2 Abteilung of this division, under the command of Obersturmführer Fritz Knoechlein murdered approximately 100 members of the 2nd Royal Norfolk Regiment at La Paridis. Apparently after the massacre Knoechlein, who was despised by other SS officers, went around like a madman looking for other prisoners to shoot. Amazingly two British soldiers survived, hiding under a pile of bodies. One was wounded in the leg and were forced to surrender later, after hiding for three days in a nearby farm.