Second Thoughts about Spearhead. -
02-26-2003, 03:28 PM
OK. I admit that I talk alot of crap about the expansion, and I haven't even played it in months. But for some reason, I decided to hop in a game today just for the hell of it, and I don't know what it was, but I was having a blast. Some of the player death animations were bizarre, but for the most part, everything was fine. I used to hate the change in graphics and how everything looked, but with maxed settings, its really a +change.
I am so used to playing AA, that playing SH with all the new guns, it actually made it worth the money (yes, i said it).
Now that I have had a 2nd chance with SH, I think my mind is changed about it. It really is a good expansion. Just takes some time away from it to realize it.
Just my thoughts on the subject. Thanks for listening. Later.