01-07-2002, 11:59 AM
Sooo much bitching and whining about campers. The premise of the "Hunt" map is for the Axis to "Defend" the 88. The Allies objective is to "Take out" the 88. So what if a guy wants to camp/defend the 88? Everyone bitches simply because they bum-rushed from the get go, got a nade up their ass, a close range shotty or picked off by a snipe and now must wait for the rest of the game to be played out. How bout a little team work, eh? You might actually get to play a bit longer. I have found it much more rewarding to play with a group of individuals that understand it's more effective to work together as a team than to blaze their own trail. Doing the DM circle straff is not what this game should be. If that's your game, go back to Quake.
Now to answer the immediate flame response: Do I camp/defend? Sometimes if only to piss em off after everyone else gets whacked within the first :45.