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roland is Offline
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Default 02-26-2003, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by Strik0r
nades are harder to use? how so? you simply hold it down long enough then throw it in their face. at least in mohaa you had to TRY to time the explosions meaning the guy was long gone by then.
Why? Because (a) you can't run around the map with a "live" nade, (b) the distance thrown is a lot more realistic, no more hucking one the length of a football field or more (c) not being able to open doors with a "live" nade requires teamwork and/or good timing, (d) timing is even more important now... wait to long and tick, tick, tick, you're dead.

"Harder to use" isn't the best way to phrase it I guess, "more realistic" is better (other than not being able open a door with one hand and a nade in the other)
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