<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 8827Echo:
I want helmet throwing.
And btw Mike Horvath is not a real person, so therefore, he would not be the first person to throw his helmet against a nazi.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Actually, a man named Joann De la Piebble, an young soldier of the french resistance was the first man to throw his helmet against a human target, namelly, a german nazi. The poor german guy never saw his home again (he was badly wounded by that helmet on his left liver, or it was on the right one? Can't remeber...)
After this event, it became a common french sport named "Championnat de Jet de Casque" and it turned out to be included in the next olympics.
Until today you can see french people throwing helmets thru France, so be carefull while there.
PS: The french army even thought about building a cannon loaded with helmets, but they were too far away from this advanced tecnology at the time. But I know the US army has a highly-ultra-secret-project based on a ICBM with helmets on it! I KNOW THEY HAVE IT! They got it from the aliens!