Thread: w00t!!!!!!!!!
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~^No0bAnIzEr^~ is Offline
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Default 02-28-2003, 03:12 PM

Argh... i must have used it wrong, jeez, but anyway, i liked spearhead, if it wasnt so buggy id like it more, so if you take out the bugs would you say spearhead is a good game? biggrin: And MAC's arent sold in your "Local Computer Store" They are sold at apple stores and a few selet other stores and what does the kid cryin have to do with anything, stop dissing MAC's they are good machines, just not that great for gaming, they arent designed for that, and once you get into the real world, try out a MAC and some of its programs. You'll probably like it, and btw if you want to succeed in the real world, dont waste ur money on a "gaming Machine" cool:
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