Thread: School
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Default 02-28-2003, 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by TheReich
Originally Posted by Arkan
You guys are a bunch of retards. Where else can you go and have your pick of 200 girls, hang with all your friends, cut class and go to the deli, flirt with the young girly teachers, and barely pay attention in class and still get passing grades?? Holy fuck, i wish my ass was still in H.S.!!
Wait, just wait till you get some lame assed job that barely pays the bills...then tell me if you "hate" school. Fuckin' wankers don't know what you have!!
yo foo, there are 1500 girls at my school not 200, and even though i hate school doesnt mean i get bad grades and since i get good grades ill get a high ass paying job while i come to visit u during lunch while ur working..AT MCDONALDS
Reich...i'm glad your school has 1500 girls. Mine only had around 700. As for you getting a high paying job?, well, good attitude and good luck to you. As for visiting me at Mc Donalds?, nope, it will never happen. I don't even eat the shit. I have a successful business and i'm doing very well in the financial department but thanks for the concern! oOo:

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